

jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013

English Class

I think that the English classes are very necessary in the career because (regrettably) the English language is very necessary in the life: postgraduates, jobs, travels and much more… For the other side, English classes at private schools are very expensive, so this course offers a possibility that not everyone can pay.
I like the job in the blogs because is a free space. Is a free space because when you work on a computer can do more than work and that does not make it a non-productive time, on the contrary, in my case when I feel free, I work more.
But, I have a observation: sometimes I did not know that writing in the blogs because the topics can be very personals. In my case, I could not think anything surface for writings and this thing make me a problem because I can not express my subjectivity with this language.
I don’t like English, that is not a secret, but I am very interested in learning English, for this motive I tried to go to all English classes, I feel that I was responsible and constant.
I need learn to English for the future: travels and postgraduates. Today I would like know speak in English for the music. I like music in English and I would like understand the letters when I listen the songs for the first time.
I need improve the grammar, the listening and the comprehension, I need improve everything…

In this moment I use very little English, only when I listen music.

jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013


Hello everybody, today I’m going speak about the things and situations more importants that have happened in my life in this year.  
First, I need to say something: this post is very difficult for me because the require information is very personal and I don’t want write them.
This year has been a year of changes: changes in my plans for my future, changes in my perspective of my life, many changes and many new ideas…
The best thing that has happened in my life in this year was the course of transpersonal psychology. I started this course in April of this year and I love it. Is wonderful! The class and the professors are very good, my classmates are adorable! And I have learned lot ideas about humanistic psychology and transpersonal psychology.
The situations that did not go so well are personals. But, I can speak about only one: this semester I take many bad subjects…
My achievements in this year have associated with my relationships and with my personal repetitive ideas.
I did not do many things. For example, I did not learn to swim. I don’t like swim but I need it… I did not lose weight and I didn’t lose my belly.  
I still have to do this year: approve my subjects and approve English four, only that way I will can finish this stage.
A important news: this year my brother buy a house for him and his girlfriend. He leave the house. I will miss him so much, but I am happy for my brother.


domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2013


Hello everybody!
Today, I’m going to speak about Tattoos.  Do you like Tattoos? Always I think that this question is difficult because exist lot types of Tattoos: there are beautiful tattoos and others horrible! Really, there are tattoos very embarrassing…
I think that the psychological motives are very important when we think in have a tattoo. In my opinion, a tattoo without strong motive is very empty. I understand the ornamental function of tattoo but It is not enough for me… a tattoo would be beautiful and could improve the appearance but it is very subjective.
I would like to have a tattoo about the freedom. The idea of freedom is very important to me and I would like my body to reflect that. But is very difficult decide the form, colors and style of tattoo, think about it: is for all the life!
I would like to have a tattoo that said “I will rise to dreams of freedom” that phrase belongs a song of Katatonia (“Day and then the shade”). This song is very important to me and this band is an inspiration for me.

But I cannot decide because also I think in a tattoo that said “Love is free in time, in peace, and now is here” that phrase belongs a song of Anathema (“Thin air”). I don’t know, I guess I will decide in the future…

jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

Recycling, reducing and reusing

Today is very important think in the care of the planet because the situation is terrible: ours world will die if we don’t make anything about that.
Is true the people learn about environmentally friendly practices in the school. The green education for the children is very important but is not the unique way for learn about green practices. The government must apply new ecological politics: more recycle centers, more estate support, trash can more cheap (the trash cans are very expensive!) and more information! In the media the people speak a lot about show business and paparazzi but speak a little about recycling, reducing and reusing. We need more information in the media and understand this topic like a very important problem.
In my house, we recycle the white paper, the cans and the glass bottles. I think in this moment in a buy reams of recycled paper.
I dream with live close of the university (in the future, of my job) for use a bike in my transport. But, today I live a giant distance of the university and I can’t use the bike.
In this moment I not join none eco-organizations because I don’t trust in these. But maybe in the future change my opinion.
I would like have a little vegetable patch in my patio and eat an organic vegetables and fruits and not transgenic.
About my carbon footprint, I think that I don’t have anything about that. I would like work more for this.

In our society, I think that we progress in this topic. I think that in the future the recycling will be an habit.

jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013


When I started studying psychology I was motivated for the idea of help the people. I wanted help other persons with education. I wanted work in the ministery of education and make public politics of education. In that time, I had a dream…
Definitely, my expectation have not met but this is not necessarily bad… I have the necessary luck and I have know other topics very interesting.
In the career of psychology I knew the reality of psychology of education and I don’t liked… this is terrible for my dreams but I suppose this open other windows of possibilities in my academic life, I suppose…
About theoretical psychology, I love that! I love the theory and epistemology, I love study the philosophy and the paradigms, this is fascinating! If it depend of me, I only study this topics.
My favorite epistemology is the transpersonal psychology epistemology, I love the idea of freedom behind this type of psychology.
For the other side, in the practice, I don’t know what is exactly that I will have in the future. I think about psychedelic therapy with drugs or with Holotropic Breathwork (the therapy of Stalislav Grof). This therapy is very interesting and effective!

 Also, I think in the education with Waldorf system. This educational system based in Anthroposophy, the Anthroposophy is a philosophy, is a particular vision of the world and the human.

miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2013

Antidepressant use on the rise in rich countries

This news speak about the use of antidepressants in the world,  especially in the rich countries: United States, Iceland, Australia, Canada, countries of Europe (scandinavia included), China, etc.
This text concentrates in the alarming increased of use of antidepressants: in most of these countries, the statistics say that one in ten people use antidepressants.
In China, the antidepressant market has grown by about 20% in the last three years.
Some people say that the economic crises are related to the increased use of antidepressants. In fact, in Spain and Portugal, in the last five years, antidepressant prescriptions have jumped by more than 20%.
This situation is very preoccupant: too much people consume antidepressants!  Is this necessary? Absolutely not. Today, many doctors prescribe antidepressants to people who do not need. Mild depression can be healed with psychotherapy, but these million prescriptions are not accidentally: behind the antidepressants exist a giant market. This market moves billions of dollars each year. So, how to stop these overdose?
Many people think that  the antidepressants are not the solution to all problems. Antidepressants are widely oversubscribed to get rid of unhappiness," said Professor Tim Cantopher, consultant psychiatrist with the Priory Group in the UK. "They were not designed for that. Unhappiness is part of the human condition”

Really? What do you think about this? 

The news:

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013


Hello everybody!
First, I think that this activity is very cruel, why? Because be far away from holidays and speak about these hurt.
I think the holidays are very important because is the moment for the rest. The rest is very necessary for the complete year. In the 2011, we have a one month of vacation and was horrible…
My favorite places for vacation are cultural places. I don’t care where, but is important for me the history and the cultural value from the place. I love visit museums and monuments. For this, I like visit cities, cultural capitals and religious centers.
For the other side, I don’t like the beach but I really love the green landscapes and the cold, the tall trees and the pale sun.
I love travel with my boyfriend and my friends. The next holiday I want travel with these persons because I love them and I want stay with they. When I am with my friends, always I will have a beautiful moment.

The next holiday I want to go to Peru. I really long visit Peru because I have too much curiosity. Many persons visit Peru in the holiday and I listen many tales. I want to visit ruins and the typical villages.